"All the cool without the drool"
Deadlines.... "I got certain goals I wanna reach in life...I wanna do it in a certain amount of time..." With my 21st birthday looming, midterms coming up, and the Study Abroad deadline on the horizon, there are a lot of things I want to do, and there are certain goals I want to reach by Spring Break, but the deadlines aren't my deadlines and they're coming up faster than I would like. I guess, like Phil Ade said, I should want to reach my goals in the shortest amount of time possible; requiring the most effort at max capacity. It may seem tireless and gruesome while striving for my dreams and goals, but the harder I work, the sooner those dreams will be reached. 

We had our first lacrosse scrimmage on Saturday, and I gotta be honest, we looked pretty damn good. It was good to fly around on the field against someone else for the first time; to work out all the kinks against another team but have the final score not count. The team we played, last year they were a top 25 team. They graduated a lot of guys, but they still had a lot of talent. A top 25 team will always have a number of solid players on their team. It's exciting to see that we played as well as we did because now we know where we stand; we know the teams we played against last year and what to expect of them-- if we played the way we played on Saturday (with cleaner play, crisper ball movement, and smarter defensive play) we have a legitimate shot at the conference championship...which would be a dream come true. With only this season and next left, the time is now. The deadline won't extend for me as soon as that final whistle blows.

Back to real life stuff that matters. For all you guys trying to reach your goals and meet your deadlines, music is easily the best way to get yourself pumped up for whatever task is at hand. If you're going to the gym, make a playlist of your favorite songs that get you amped (name the playlist "Beach Bod" or something of that nature...just create a goal for yourself), or throw on Pandora/Spotify (I recommend the Pitbull, Flo Rida, and Avicii Pandora playlists). If you're trying to do homework and relax, I recommend acoustic music. I'm into really sucky music, like Secondhand Serenade, but lately I find myself jamming out to some Bon Iver. If you're in a bad mood (name this playlist "FTW"...), I recommend something like Blink 182 to channel your inner rebel teenager. These artists are people I like, but don't think that they are the only artists that produce music for your mood. Find the tune that best suits you, and pop in your headphones....or blow out your speakers and wake up your neighbors. 
The Arabica coffee bean: one of, if not the greatest thing this world has ever seen. I have to be honest, I feel like there hasn't been a food product/consumable item that has had half the impact that the Arabica coffee bean has on our world. 

It is believed that the Arabica coffee bean has been cultivated for human consumption for almost a thousand years now; legend has it, the Arabica bean was first cultivated after people witnessed goats mounting each other after eating the plant. The bean began to be used for human consumption and scholars began to report that it helped in extending their work hours and subsequently their production. 

Since the late 15th century, coffee has been served in public places. Constantinople, (modern-day Istanbul), was the birthplace of coffee houses. Coffee was such an important product then, that a wife could legally divorce her husband had he not provided her with enough coffee. Turks usually enjoyed their coffee black, with little to no doctoring up with cream and sugar. It wasn't until the 16th century that people started to add spices and creams and sugars to play with the flavor of their coffee. Coffee houses began to grow in popularity in Europe after a British man on business enjoyed the houses in the Turkish lands. He brought the idea back to Britain with him, and coffee houses shot up all over Europe; Italy, Paris, and Germany all had their own houses by the middle of the 17th century. Since, the coffee houses have developed into bakeries/coffee shops worldwide; the most famous chain is known as Starbucks.

The Arabica coffee bean, native of Ethiopia, provides consumers the stimulant known as caffeine. Caffeine tricks your adenosine receptors into believing that your body is still producing ATP (which is what gives you energy). Short term (about 4-6 hours worth) benefits of caffeine include increase in alertness and awareness. Most people drink a cup of coffee in the morning to help them get through the work day. Long term benefits include lower risk of heart disease and diabetes, lower risk of cancer and the aid of cognitive function and memory as you age. 

Like all things though, coffee and caffeine both deserve to be enjoyed in moderation. Too much caffeine (about 5-6 cups a day) can cause anxiety, insomnia, and an increase in blood pressure (for the "not-often" consumer). Too much caffeine consumption to going cold turkey can cause headaches and and fatigue, due to withdrawal. 

Coffee is one of my favorite things in this world. If you enjoy it, good I'm glad. If you haven't tried it yet, or don't like the flavor, sure there are caffeinated alternatives out there, but nothing beats a hot cup of coffee. Also, if you're into coffee, the Keurig is probably the best coffee brewing machine on the planet. The K-cups are genius, and if you want a small, medium, or large cup, it's just the push of a button away. If you're new to coffee, and want to grab a cup to see if you like it or not, stay away from the pots that places keep out for a while, and stay away from convenience stores (although I do love a shitty 7-Eleven cup from time to time). First coffee experiences should be done right, so hit up your local coffee shop, Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. 

Aside from its delicious flavor, coffee has long played a major role in society. The Arabica coffee bean is about a 10 billion-dollar-a-year industry today, and has been sold and traded for about a thousand years now. Like I said: one of, if not the greatest 

Credits: Please excuse the lack of non-academic sources...

I meant to post this on Friday, but I guess it goes perfect with the title of this blog, "Stressful Sundays."
I mentioned last Sunday that I had a lot on my plate, and I feel like this week and the upcoming weeks are probably getting tougher for you as well (the proof is in your tweets), but for all of us there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Things to look forward to (if you're into such things) include the Grammy's tonight, March Madness is only a few weeks off, lacrosse and, of course, baseball seasons will be in full swing in a few short weeks.

As for me and my life, I had my first "community service" assignment this week after meeting with the Boss to re-outline my hour requirement for this semester. This first assignment- work/assist the school in setting up for the annual Pink Game that our women's basketball team hosts. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to reconcile with the Boss, but this time he asked me to miss some of practice, and that didn't fly well with Coach. Anyway, I left practice an hour early, showered up, and headed to the game. I met with the athletic director and got started on whatever he needed help with. It just so happened that I showed up right when he needed someone to grab a table. I grab the table; I'm thinking "whoa, it's gonna be a long busy night...and I didn't even eat dinner yet.." I set up the table and I stood around waiting to see if I was needed anywhere else. I waited...and waited....and waited. Then the game started. 

Despite a rough start filled with sloppy play, turnovers, missed shots, and poor defense, the women rebounded and pulled out the W. But that's what I did the entire time; I missed practice and all to set up one table and watch the game. I'm not complaining that I got to watch my true love (the game of basketball), but I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to eat, I wasn't really needed, and I missed part of practice. I hate that...if there's anything in this world that I hate, it's missing practice. 

This was the first of many service assignments lined up for me throughout the semester, and although it was relatively short, it proves that I have a long road ahead of me until I'm totally reconciled with the Boss.
If you too feel like the road ahead of you is starting to be a lot to bear, there are plenty of things you can do on your own to help make the road a little less stressful. The gym to get a good workout is always a good way to take your mind off things for a little bit and clear your head. Pop in your headphones and hit the weights, or treadmill, or the elliptical. Just go. There are movies playing. If you have the funds, hit the theater near you and catch a flick. Girls, retail therapy is a real thing (if you want it to be).

On a serious note, if things start to become unbearable, don't be afraid to reach out to people. High school, college, no matter the school, there are people who are trained to help you. If your ego is getting in the way, try to vent to friends. Your friends won't be afraid to help you, and they certainly will not be afraid to get the professional help you may need.
I sit here, on my computer, more focused on homework and my studies, rather than the blow out that's taking place in New Orleans, and I'm drowning myself in my own anxiety. I should be stuffing my face with greasy finger-foods, indulging in the exceptional entertainment of the great American sport of football (and Beyonce), and crushing cans of cheap beer. Rather, I am click-clacking away on my Macbook, occasionally reaching for my blonde-roast (black) from Starbucks, shaking from anxiety and, probably, all the caffeine in my 16oz coffee. 

I probably shouldn't feel this way, considering we're only 3 weeks into the semester, but I do. I have a lot of pressure on me to do well this semester in the classroom, on the lacrosse field, and for the community. With a required 28 hours of community service due to be completed by March 1st, the first lacrosse game on February 23rd, and the workload in all my classes starting to roll and pick up like a snowball down a hill, I feel like I'm the 2013 San Francisco 49ers. My back is against the wall; I'm down 22 points, with the clock winding down. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but right now I could use a serious dose of some alternative medication

Luckily, for me, and anyone else who is stressing out, there are things we can do to de-stress. The game is on. The BIG game! If you don't like football, watch the commercials! They're hysterical. Enjoy this unofficial American holiday; eat nasty foods, watch football, drink cheap beer (probably shouldn't), and spend time with your buds/pals/gals/pets. Sometimes the best way to de-stress is to totally take your mind off what's bugging you for a while. Give up, for an hour or 2. When your mind is ready to take on all that is on your plate, get back on your grind. I can't wait for the game to be over, so I can finally get back on mine.

I think, in one way or another, we all suffer from some sort of stress or stress-related symptoms (especially us college students). As a junior in college, the degree of difficulty in all my classes is actually a lot easier than I expected it to be, but the workload in all my classes is enough to end my days with cramped hands and bloodshot eyes. Add lacrosse 6 days a week to my schedule, throw in working out on my own; that leaves my whole body shot. Add in time for my girlfriend...when the hell am I supposed to sleep? 

I find myself, every Sunday (and even on this great American Sunday...Superbowl Sunday), wishing I did my work throughout the week so it didn't all pile up. I can't even count the number of cups of coffee I drank throughout the week on one hand (sometimes I consider caffeine my alternative medication, but my doctor thinks otherwise), and I often ponder the suicide rate among college students, and how come I haven't jumped off a bridge yet. To prevent myself, and my peers, from leaping off the Ben Franklin into the Delaware, I'm on a quest to find out what LVC has or what LVC does to help its students through stressful times. Whether it be weekend entertainment, student counseling services or fitness classes, or if students out there are doing their own thing to de-stress, I will find it. When coffee just isn't doing the trick and you're inches away from ripping your hair from your head, tune in to check out what people around you are doing and how they keep going in their most stressful times. Maybe you'll find your alternative medication


    My name is Jordan; I'm a junior English Communications major. LVC Class of 2014. (Follow me on Twitter: @JPMayr)


    February 2013

